MapJS uses a GeoJSON formatted file for both nest polygons and scan areas. While both of these features are optional the placeholder json files must exist.


This is generated via the external PMSFnestScript project and support is given via the PMSF Discord. Once the script is ran move the nest.json file to /path/to/MapJS/static/custom/nests.json.

Scan Area#

This areas.json file is used to show city/region boundaries on the map. You can generate it yourself via multiple free online websites, a few are listed below:

Convert INI to GeoJSON#

To easily convert INI sytle geofence format files to GeoJSON format you can use the following method. This is mainly used for the areas.json file to show scan areas.

  1. Create geofences directory in root of project (with src folder)
  2. Copy your .txt INI format geofence files to the geofences folder
  3. Run npm run convert -- ./geofences/ which will convert your INI geofences to one areas.json GeoJSON format file in the root of the project
  4. Copy areas.json to /path/to/MapJS/static/custom/areas.json to show the scan areas on the map

Convert Porcale geofence to GeoJSON#

To easily convert from PoracleJS geofence formated file into GeoJSON run the method. This is mainly used for the areas.json file to show scan areas.

  1. Copy your geofence.json file from Poracle to the root of the project folder (with src folder)
  2. Run npm run convert-poracle -- geofence.json which will convert the file to an areas.json GeoJSON format file in the root of the project folder
  3. Copy areas.json to /path/to/MapJS/static/custom/areas.json to show the scan areas on the map