Docker Installation#


Prerequisites: Existing RDM or DataParser style database.

  1. Install docker
  2. Install docker-compose
  3. Clone the repository

    sh git clone && cd MapJS

  4. Copy the sample docker-compose file

    sh cp docker-compose.example.yml docker-compose.yml

  5. Fill out your docker-compose.yml file. Change your HEALTHCHECK_SECRET variable.

    sh vi docker-compose.yml

  6. Create your project config

    sh cp src/configs/config.example.json src/configs/config.json

  7. Fill out config. See config#discord for Discord Auth instructions.

    sh vi src/configs/config.json

  8. Create/copy a static/custom/nests.json file to show nests (GeoJSON file format)

  9. Create/copy a static/custom/areas.json file to show scan areas (GeoJSON file format, see below)
  10. Start with docker-compose up -d
  11. Access via http://machineip:port/ login using your Discord account


  1. cd /path/to/MapJS
  2. git pull
  3. docker-compose build
  4. docker-compose up -d